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Everything is Energy, the force of life exists inside us and around us,
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

The goal of yoga is liberation from all limitations.

So how do we overcome limitations? Look what happens when you do Yoga Asanas: a stiff and inflexible body will stretch, release and relax.

In the same way, if you practice Breath cleansing (Pranayama), Concentration (Dharana) Meditation (Dhyana) you will stretch your mind and bring your essential self into the Light.

I support individuals in reaching their full potential and re-discovering their inner happiness


The Benefits of Practicing Yoga

The benefits of yoga are almost endless! Practicing yoga helps build healthy virtues and good values, such as discipline, honesty, devotion, self-inquiry, mindfulness, and non-attachment. Yoga empowers you to make conscious choices toward living a more healthy and fulfilling life. Yoga also helps you:


  • Keep your mind healthy and strong

  • Reduce stress and promote relaxation

  • Get a better night’s sleep

  • Boost your immune system

  • Help heal common aches like back pain

  • Increase happiness and well-being and reduce depression

  • Lose weight and change your body shape

  • Improve and maintain the health of muscles, joints, and organs

  • Prevent conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and auto-immune disorders

  • Improve flexibility, strength, stamina, mobility, range of motion, and balance

“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction”


The difference between Yoga asanas and other physical exercise

The practice of yoga combines stretching, breathing, mindfulness and meditation to improve your health, reduce stress and increase strength and flexibility. It’s less of a workout and more of an exploration into the mind-body connection. It’s a holistic lifestyle that is a mental and spiritual journey rather than a physical challenge.

In contrast, physical exercise focus on building muscle mass, endurance and stamina through quick repetitions or sets of movement. 

There is no emphasis on breath work, mindfulness or developing the mind-body connection. 

Yoga is not a competitive sport like running or weight lifting. It is designed to develop balance, coordination and concentration through controlled movement while embracing non-judgement, kindness and compassion for yourself and others.

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My Goal – To Make your daily yoga & meditation Attractive

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that brings you peace and centeredness and allows you to cope with daily challenges in life that are beyond your control. When guided by spiritual wisdom, meditation helps you to understand your thought processes and experience your truest inner-nature as being part of the whole universe. The aim of meditation is to recognise a ‘Oneness’ both inside you and all around you.

Why Meditate

Meditation optimizes 5 fundamental dimensions of Human Happiness

1. Reducing Suffering – The Ability to more easily cope with Pain & discomfort that cannot be avoided

2. Elevation of Fulfillment – The Ability to experience even small pleasures with enormous satisfaction

3. Self-Understanding – It is actually helpful to understand yourself at a psychological level but where the meditates really shines is to understand who you are at the deepest levels

4. Improve Behavior- Meditation will help you make objective changes in behavior, so if there is something you need to stop doing, you can use meditation skills to behave more skillfully in the world.

5. Increases Compassion- Ultimately to Find within yourself a spirit of serving or contributing to happiness of other that comes from a spontaneous love and actually that spirit of love and service is a consequence of success in other 4 dimensions. As you suffer less, are more fulfilled and as you understand who you are and as you have a handle on changing how you carry yourself , all of that sums up ultimately in how you contribute in making this world a better place

Benefits of meditation

Sustained daily happiness & bliss

Removal of emotional suffering, stress, fears, sadness and anxiety

A sense of inner stability and groundedness

The ability to deal with challenges in life

A deeply fulfilling connection with yourself and life

Acceptance of the past, contentment of the present and trust in the future

Image by Bekir Dönmez

Modern Yoga is generally understood as the practice of physical movements and postures specifically designed for the purpose of heightening your awareness towards your inner consciousness. This connection with consciousness is called ‘Yog’ (literally meaning ‘union’). While the practice of yoga has numerous physical benefits and can lead to a deep spiritual connection with yourself, it isn’t necessary for meditation.

  • When we get stressed we start to blame something external. Guru teaches us that this stress lives within the mind. The solution is to fix our thoughts.

  • Regardless of the conditions outside of our control, we are the source of our own suffering and misery.

  • We gain perspective by meditating. Consider taking a moment to pull back, zoom out, and get a wider view because we are sometimes too close to the issue and it appears hazy and chaotic.

  • You will get internal fulfilment with meditation, happiness is something that is within. The more time you spend on your inner-self you find an inner balance.

  • Once you have experienced calmness and stillness you can revisit that place anytime.

  • Meditation allows you to observe your mind and body as something independent from the REAL you.

The function of the mind is to create and process thoughts. So expecting the mind to be completely silent goes against its nature. If you place a judgement on the mind where you perceive thinking to be ‘bad’ and silence as ‘good’ then frustration will arise when the mind isn’t silent. Meditation can, however, allow you to slow down the pace of thoughts and to disassociate from your thoughts.

Some of the myths about yoga and meditation

– May be you’re thinking 


1. I’ve heard about yoga & Meditation but never got chance to understand it.


2. I’am not flexible/calm enough to start yoga practice


We hear this at least once a week. That’s like saying you can’t take Arabic class because you don’t speak Arabic. If you take the class, you’ll probably learn some Arabic. If you take yoga, you’ll probably gain some strength, flexibility and calmness


3. Everyone in class is going to be watching you and probably laughing


In yoga, often a gazing point is taught with each pose—students are encouraged, for instance, to look at their outstretched hand, at the tips of their noses, or at a point on the floor or on the wall in front of them while they practice—not at you! As you’ll soon discover if you do start yoga, when your eyes dart about the room, it’s a whole lot harder to stay balanced! In short, our fellow classmates won’t be paying that much attention to what you’re doing because they’ll be busy paying attention to what they’re doing and trying not to fall!



4. It takes years to truly benefit from it

If you want to attain Enlightenment, then it is likely take a long time. However , if all you want is better heath, peace and balance in life then here is good news: many people start experiencing these after a few weeks of practice.

Meditation’s many benefits are immediate, for the practice itself is the benefit. 

White Sand and Stone

Discover yourself

Yoga & Meditation practice is all about different styles and forms. There is no one specific technique.

By listening to your own needs , you can choose what is best for you at this point in life

Yoga & Meditation Sessions

I'm now offering yoga and meditation classes online in 2 different batches

Batch 1-  Age 15 to 45 years
Batch 2 - Age 45 years & above

Please get in touch with me to know the fees ,timing & registration.

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